Willcox B. and Harriet M. Adsit Professor of Russian
M.A. Stanford University, Russian (1990)
Ph.D. Stanford University, Slavic Languages (1995)
Areas of Expertise
Russian language and literature
Performance Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Tolstoy: The Major Novels (not offered 2024/25)RUSS 213 / GBST 213 / WGSS 214 / COMP 257 SEM
Why do Pussies Riot and What is "Homosexual" Propaganda? Gender and Sexuality in Putin's Russia (not offered 2024/25)RUSS 219 / COMP 215 TUT
Cults of Personality (not offered 2024/25)COMP 222 SEM
Detective Fiction (not offered 2024/25)COMP 259 / WGSS 259 / ENGL 261 TUT
Adultery in the Nineteenth-Century Novel (not offered 2024/25)RUSS 275 / COMP 287 SEM
Russian and Soviet Cinema (not offered 2024/25)RUSS 306 / COMP 306 SEM
Tolstoy and the Meaning of Life (not offered 2024/25)RUSS 331 / COMP 331 / ENGL 371 TUT
The Brothers Karamazov (not offered 2024/25)Scholarship/Creative Work
Russian Style: Performing Gender, Power, and Putinism. Forthcoming from the University of Wisconsin Press, November 2023.
“The Kitsch of Corruption.” Op-ed in The Moscow Times (January 26, 2021) at https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/01/26/the-kitsch-of-corruption-a72731.
Враг на скамье подсудимых: ранние советские суды в театре и кино, trans. Andrei Andreev. Russian translation of The Enemy on Trial: Early Soviet Courts on Stage and Screen forthcoming from Academic Studies Press, 2021.
“A World Without Safe-Words: Fifty Shades of Russian Grey.” Journal of Popular Romance Studies (March 30, 2020) at http://www.jprstudies.org/2020/03/a-world-without-safe-words-fifty-shades-of-russian-grey/.
“Introduction to the special issue ‘Romance Fiction in the International Marketplace’,” co-written and co-edited with Emily D. Johnson. Journal of Popular Romance Studies (March 30, 2020) at http://www.jprstudies.org/2020/03/introduction-to-the-special-issue-romance-fiction-in-the-international-marketplace/.
“Sacrifice and Self in Everybody Dies But Me.” The ‘Other’ Martyrs: Women and the Poetics of Sexuality, Sacrifice, and Death in World Literatures, ed. Alireza Korangy and Leyla Rouhi (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019), 23-37.
“Vladislav Mamyshev-Monro, Frog-Princess of Neoacademism.” The Russian Review 78 (April 2019): 221-44.
“Introduction” to “The Allure of Retro: Neoacademism After the Fall.” Co-authored with Helena Goscilo and Jonathan Brooks Platt. The Russian Review 78 (April 2019): 183-200.
“La heroíca alcahueta dormía la siesta: La Celestina’s Presence in La Regenta.” Co-authored with Leyla Rouhi. Decimonónica 16/1 (Winter 2019) at http://www.decimononica.org/rouhi-cassiday/.
“Presidential Performances.” ASEEES NewsNet 59/1 (2019): 1-5 at https://www.aseees.org/sites/default/files/downloads/january%202019.pdf.
Russian Performances: Word, Object, Action. Coeditor with Julie A. Buckler and Boris Wolfson (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2018). Winner of the 2020 AATSEEL Book Prize for Best Edited Multi-Author Scholarly Volume.
“Glamazons en travesti: Drag Queens in Putin’s Russia.” Essay to Russian Performances: Word, Object, Action, co-edited with Julie A. Buckler and Boris Wolfson (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2018), 272-281.
“Persian Cargo on a Russian Ark: The Role of Iran in Sokurov’s Russian Ark.” Article co-written with Leyla Rouhi. International Journal of Persian Literature 2:1 (2017): 57-86.
“Kool-Aid,” “Popsicle,” and “Sitophilia.” Entries in The Oxford Companion to Sugar and Sweets, ed. Darra Goldstein (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), 384-385, 551, and 614-615.
“Why Stalinist Cinema Had No Detective Films, or How Three Becomes Two in Engineer Kochin’s Mistake.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 31, no. 1 (Jan. 2014): 56-73.
“Post-Soviet Pop Goes Gay: Russia’s Trajectory to Eurovision Victory.” The Russian Review 73:1 (Jan. 2014): 1-23.
“A Personality Cult for the Post-modern Age: Reading Vladimir Putin’s Public Persona.” Chapter co-authored with Emily Johnson in Putin as Celebrity and Cultural Icon, edited by Helena Goscilo (London: Routledge, 2012), 37-64.
“The Rise of the Actress in Early Nineteenth-Century Russia.” Chapter in Women in Nineteenth-Century Russia: Lives and Culture, edited by Wendy Rosslyn and Alessandra (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2012), 137-159.
“Vladimir Putin and Russia’s New Cult of Personality.” Article co-authored with Emily Johnson. Slavonic and East European Review 88, no. 4 (Oct. 2010): 681-707. Reprinted in Post-Soviet Politics, ed. Stephen White and Cerwyn Moore, Sage Publications.
“Of Dandies, Flirts, and Cockatoos: Shakhovskoi’s Antitheatrical Lesson to Coquettes.” The Russian Review 65, no. 3 (July 2006): 393-416.
“Kirov and Death in The Great Citizen: The Fatal Consequences of Linguistic Mediation.” Slavic Review 64, no. 4 (Winter 2005): 799-822.
“Alcohol is Our Enemy! Soviet Temperance Melodramas of the 1920s.” In Louise McReynolds and Joan Neuberger, eds., Imitations of Life: Two Centuries of Melodrama in Russia (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002).
The Enemy on Trial: Early Soviet Courts on Stage and Screen. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2000.
“Northern Poetry for a Northern People: Text and Context in Ozerov’s Fingal.” Slavonic and East European Review 78 (April 2000): 1-27.
“From Nevskii Prospekt to Zoia’s Apartment: Trials of the Russian Procuress.” Article co-authored with Leyla Rouhi. The Russian Review 58 (July 1999): 413-31.
“Marble Columns and Jupiter Lights: Theatrical and Cinematic Modeling of the Soviet Show Trial in the 1920s.” Slavic and East European Journal 42, no. 4 (Winter 1998): 640-60. Reprinted in Marit Paasche and Judy Radul, eds., A Thousand Eyes: Media Technology, Law, and Aesthetics (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2011).
“Flash Floods, Bedbugs, and Saunas: Social Hygiene in Maiakovskii’s Theatrical Satires of the Twenties.” The Slavonic and East European Review 76, no. 4 (October 1998): 643-57. Reprinted in Janet G. Tucker, ed., Against the Grain: Parody, Satire, and Intertextuality in Russian Literature (Bloomington: Slavica, 2002).
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
Inducted into the West Aurora High School Distinguished Alumni Hall of Honor, 2019.
Nelson Bushnell ’20 Prize for writing and teaching, Division I, Williams College, 2014.
Gaudino Scholar, 2006-2008.
Summer Stipdend, National Endowment for the Humanities, 2007.
Williams College Faculty World Fellowship for travel to and research in Russia, 2004.
Professional Affiliations
American Association for Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European Languages
American Council of Teachers of Russian
Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Association for Women in Slavic Studies
International Association for the Study of Popular Romance
Modern Language Association
Q*ASEEES: Society for the Promotion of LGBTQ Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies
Current Committees
- Faculty Interview Panel
President (2018) of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Preceded by a one-year term as Vice President (2017) and followed by a one-year term as Past President (2019) of the organization.
Vice President (2008-2010) of the Executive Council of the American Association for Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages.